The One ???? ????'s ?????
[?????: ????'s ?????????, ?????? ?? ????? to ????? the ??????, and ?? ??????? the ???? ??????.]
?????? ??????
????, this ?? the ???. ??? ?????, ????? this ???. ??????! (the ?????? ???? on ?????????????, but ??? ???? ??????) ????! ??? ?????. ???? ??????! ??? ??????! ?????? ?? ????! (they ???) ??, ??? you ???? ???? to ???? the ????? ???????.
???? ??????
???, and the ?????? ??????.
???? ?????????
????! For a ???? ??? he's ???, that's a ?????? ????? ??.
?????? ??????
??-??-??, that's a ?????-?????. But ??? ???? you're not ???????? to be ????, ?? ??????, do not ????? ????????.
???????? ????
(??????? ???? on the ?????) I-???! This ?? ???????????.
?????? ?????
(???????? ???? ??????) This ????? ?? ???????.
?????? ??????
???, that ?? the ?????? ???????.
?????? ??????
I ????.
?????? ??????
??! But it's the ?????? ???????, the ???????????? ???? ?? to have a ????? ???.
???? ?????????
???? at this! A ???????????'s ?????????.
?????? ??????
????, ??? that ????! (the ????? ?????) ?? ?? ???! It's ????. ????, ??? ???!! ??? the ???? do you ?????? a ?????-?????! (????? in ????? of it, and ????????????? ??????? it)
????? ??????
??????? (the ???? ????? and ?????)
?????? ??????
I ????? that's ???.
????? ??????
??? ??????, ???'s it ?????.
?????? ??????
?? it's ???, ????! It's ???, it's ????, ???? ???? ???????? the ??????.
????? ??????
???? ???'t ?????? that ?????? ???? ????? by ??????.
?????? ?????
(???????? ??) ???... ????????'s on the ?????!!
????? ??????
I ??? ???, you ???? ??? ???? the ????? ?????? ????.
(???????? ??) ??? ????.
???? ?????????
??, ??? ?? ??????
?????? ??????
???, ????, the ????? ??? ???? you ???? you ?????? to ????, ???, ???? ?? I ????, ?? it ???? ???? or ??? ????.
????? ??????
??, it's ???? ????. ??, it's ?????????? ???? ????. ???? on a ??????, I have ??????? ????. (?????? ??? ??????) (to ??? ????? ????) ???, ???'s it ??????
?????? ??????
?? ??-??-??, it's ????? ??.
????? ??????
??, ?? it's not. I've ??? ???????-in-??????? ????. (to ????? ??????) ????. (???????) ????, ????. I'm ????? have to ???? you ???? ?????. (?????) ??????? You. I'm ????? have to ???? you ????.
?????? ??????
??, ??, ???? ???, ?? I'll ??? you ????.
????? ??????
????, I ???? you.
?????? ??????
I ???? you.
I ???? you, ???? you.
?????? ??????
????. ????, it's ???? ????. It's ???? ????.
???????? ????
??, ???? do you ????? the ???? ???? ???
???? ?????????
(??????? at the ?????????) ???! ???? at this! He ????? a ????? for 50,000 ??????? to ???? ??????? ???? ??????. (?????? ?? ???????) ??, ?????, ???? do you ????? the ???? ???? ???
?????? ??????
?? ??.
?????? ?????
??????'s ????? ????? a ???????????!!!
???? ??????
???, you ????? ??? ??? on the ?????. ???? ???! ???? ???!
(????'s ???????? ????????????? ????? ???, ????'s ???.)
????'s ???
?????? ??????
And that's ????'s ???.
(The ???? ??????? ????? ?????.)
scene break
[?????: ?????? and ??????'s, the ???? ?? ????????? from ????'s.]
?????? ?????
??? you ?????????? have to ???? it a ????? ???????, and the ????? ????? be, "???? ??? ???? ????? we've ???!" ?'????, I ???? you ????? ???, you ????? ??? ????? in-in the ???????????! You-you ????? have ???? ?????? ????? ????? ????????. And ??, you ????? ????? ???? a ????? ?????! I ???? it'll be ???, but ?????? ???? ???? it.
?????? ??????
????? you ????? We've ???? ???? ????? ??? a ?????? of ?????, I ???? we ???'t ???? ???? ?? he's ????? ???????.
???????? ????
???, but this ?? ????. ????? He's not ???? ????? ??????, on ???? ????? ???? he ???? you to ????. For ???? ???? that's ???? a ????? or ?????? ???? ????? ?????.
?????? ??????
???? ??-?? that's ???? it ??, ???? it's-it's ?????.
???? ??????
??????'s ?????. We're ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ????. ????? She-she ???'t ???? ???? ???? this.
?????? ?????
?? ??????, ???? do you ????! You ??????? a ???????!
(???? ??????, ???? ?????? at ???, and ???? ?????.)
?????? ??????
??? ?????. I ????? ??. I have ????? ?? ???? ?????.
???????? ????
??, ?? you're ????? ???? the ???????, ????
?????? ??????
????, I ???? ????? a ???, ?'????? But, it's ???? ?????'s ?? ?????????, ?'????? And in the ???? ???, I ????? ????????? it's ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? a ??????, ??????, ?????? ???? (?????) ????. (??? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ????? the ????.) (?????) ?????! ?????????? ?????! ????, ???? ?? ????!
???? ????!
?????? ?????
?? ?? ???!!! (She ????? ??? ????? ?? in ??????? and the ???? ??? ???? at ???.) ?????, I ??? ???? ????????? ???? it'd be ???? to ????? the ????? ???????.
scene break
[?????: A ???? ?????, ?????? ??? ???? to ????? ?? ???? ?????.]
?????? ??????
?????? ??. ???, ?? ????? ?????
?? ????. ??????!
??!! (?????? ???? that ???? that ???? ???????'s have)
?????? ??????
???! I ????'t ???? you ???? ???????? ???? ?????.
??, ????'s ???
?????? ??????
???, ???. This-this ???'t ????? be ????. ???, I ???'t ????? we ?????? ??? ???? ????? ???????.
??-???. ?-???? ????.
?????? ??????
I'm ?????.
??-?? it's ????. It's ???? that ??, I ??????? we ??? ????????? ?????? ??????? ????. And ?'???? I-I ???? ???? you ???? ??????? I ????? ??????? ???? ?? to, and... (?????? ??????? ??) That ?????'s ?? ???? in ?? I have to ????? ???? you ???.
?????? ??????
?? ?? ???, I ????'t...
(???????? to ???) I'm ?????, I ???'t ????. I'm ????? ?? ????? in ?? ???????. (????? ????)
?????? ??????
(??????? ????? ???) ????-????-????! ????!!